Society Policy on Alcohol

Per the SCA Corpora, By-Laws, Corporate Policies, and Articles of Incorporation (revised January 18, 2014)



Manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages by the SCA or its branches or subdivisions is prohibited within the United States and its territories.

The use of any SCA funds for the purchase of potable alcohol, except for such quantities as may be necessary for cooking, is prohibited in the United States and its territories.

Officers are not prohibited from serving alcohol; however, it must be done as individuals, and not as part of their official duties as officers.

Officers are not prohibited from giving gifts of alcohol; however, it must be done as individuals, and not as part of their official duties as officers. Giving or receiving gifts of alcohol in court is not considered to be part of an officer’s official duties.

Sorcha here: I’m not sure a Kingdom Notable like the Royal Brewer counts as an officer, but we might be safer if, rather than “paying taxes” of mead or beer to the Crown, who may or may not appreciate the gift or drink alcohol, we donate beautifully presented bottles to be given as Royal Largesse instead.