Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild (IKBG)


The Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild is not your average SCAdian brewers guild.  For one thing, it crosses boundaries, with aspirations to represent every kingdom in the SCA. For another, they don’t do A&S – IKBG is brewers getting together to share brews and knowledge.  Even when they have competitions, IKBG’s focus is on “the beverage itself and its drinkability”. They focus on how good a brew tastes, how well it’s made.  IKBG means no disrespect, it’s just filling a different niche from A&S’ historical authenticity.  We brewers have choices.

IKBG does maintain a database of those who have entered their competitions.  As of 9/2014, there are 48 Atlantians listed.  A lot of familiar names on that list…

The IKBG would be included on Atlantia’s Guild website even if Master Terafan, who hosts the website, weren’t himself one of Atlantia’s foundation brewers.  His website also has a number of really good brewing recipes, helpful documentation suggestions, and all sorts of other mostly-14th-century goodies.