Good Gentles, The Company of St. Arnulf wishes to congratulate Lady Evelynn Merrymet on winning our inaugural Specialty Ingredient Challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to encourage brewers who experiment with unusual period ingredients, and we were delighted to taste Lady Evelynn’s spiced rosehip cordial, which featured, among other ingredients, fennel and rosemary. We…
Category: Resources
Resources for medieval brewers
Brewing Supplies for beer, mead, and wine
TRUSTED Suppliers Within Atlantia AleCraft Brewing Supply, LLC (Perry Craine) Located in Bel Air, Maryland, in Harford County on the north side of Baltimore. Free classes, pretty good supply list. Right next to a bakery. Alternative Beverage Charlotte, NC. (Baron Edward) “These guys are based out of the Charlotte area, good selection of items you…
Class Resources
Atlantian brewers have shared their knowledge with each other in many a Kingdom University and Collegium. Here are a few of the written resources developed for various classes. If you have some materials you think would benefit your fellow brewers, please send them to the webminister! Beer Flavor Adjectives. Exercise your palate with this list…
Exotic Herbs and Spices
Our medieval recipes call for some interesting ingredients. Galingale? Grains of paradise? Here are some helpful vendors who will a) know what they are and b) probably have them for sale. Asian markets often have our ingredients. If you don’t live near one, reach out to a fellow SCAdian who does. Nota bene: investigate your…
Secondary Sources: Secondary sources are less easily defined than primary sources. Generally, they are accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. They are interpretations and evaluations of primary sources. Secondary sources are not evidence, but rather commentary on and discussion of evidence. However, what some define as a secondary source, others define as…
Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild (IKBG)
The Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild is not your average SCAdian brewers guild. For one thing, it crosses boundaries, with aspirations to represent every kingdom in the SCA. For another, they don’t do A&S – IKBG is brewers getting together to share brews and knowledge. Even when they have competitions, IKBG’s focus is on “the beverage…
Kingdom Guilds in the Knowne World
Surprisingly few of the nineteen kingdoms in the Knowne World have structured brewers’ guilds, but there are some, and it’s interesting to see how they do things. If you know how to contact any that aren’t listed here, please contact the webminister with your info asap. If you’re interested, here’s where you can learn more:…