Atlantian Book of Policy
Effective August 2014 Policy on Alcohol at Events
1.11.1 When a site written contract is silent on alcohol, branches may not publish in any announcement that alcohol is permitted or excluded and may not sponsor activities related to alcohol. In order to have SCA sponsored activities which require the use of alcohol such as brewing and vinting competitions, the written contract must be revised giving permission. Verbal authorization is not sufficient. However, the SCA will not prohibit or monitor the responsible use of alcohol by individuals at these sites.
1.11.2 Site contracts which include alcohol permission may be advertised as such.
1.11.3 Sites with alcohol prohibitions will be advertised as dry sites and the seneschal and event steward will be responsible for maintenance of the signed contract. Exceptions to the contract must be in writing from the site owner or contractual authority.
6.4 Registering Events Site restrictions. Use this block to note any site restrictions such as no open flames, no pets, etc. You must specify whether alcohol is permitted on site.
(Nothing in the following Kingdom Law documents: Kingdom Financial Policy, Acorn Financial Policy, Kingdom Crusades Financial Policy)
Sorcha here: The long and short of it is, don’t be a jerk. There is no such thing as a “discreetly damp” site. Either alcohol is explicitly allowed or it’s not. If the contract doesn’t give us permission, we’re hanging the Society’s ass out there and the consequences are much worse than a spanking.
We used to say “no modern containers”, but who wants to see a modern container at a period event anyway? Bring a pitcher or a barrel if you have brew to share. Seriously.