Greetings, brewers!
Since there have been no objections, I am going to jump right in. The first order of business is;
Coronation is in less than three weeks, and we have a tavern to stock! I know several of you have already committed something for it, but we should have a good showing, so if you have a few bottles, or a cask, or a keg (or two), here is your opportunity to show off your talents! I am providing up to eight taps for ball lock kegs, so if you keg, don’t worry about CO2 or taps. (If you have pin-locks, and can bring connectors, it would be awesome.) If you’re bringing/sending bottles, and they need to be chilled, let’s coordinate coolers. If you can bring/send something, even if you’ve already told me, please drop me an email at berryjw-at-yahoo-dot-com with your contribution. Keep in mind, at this stage, all we have to do is provide beverages, others are actually running the tavern!
Also regarding Coronation, if you consider yourself part of the Guild (current membership requirements are: you claim membership) and have arms, there is interest in making a Guild display of Arms. If you have a digital copy, and could post them here, thanks! If not, and you have a banner/placard/shield/something-pretty-with-your-arms, please bring it to Coronation! Or, at least take a picture and post it here…
In conjunction with this, the Guild has been requested to be part of the procession at Coronation! If you plan to be there (it’s going to be awesome, you really should plan to be!), please make yourself available prior to the start of Christoph and Adelhait’s first court.
Finally, I am planning to brew at this event, which means I’ll be setting up the brewhaus somewhere. As most of this process involves liquids be hot whilst under supervision, and I clearly won’t be starting until after morning court, an afternoon Guild meeting would be wonderful! Bring a dram to share, and come prepared to discuss the future of the Guild. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Alain ap Dafydd